A.H. Zemanian


This is the first book to present the salient features of the general
theory of infinite electrical networks in a coherent exposition.
Using the basic tools of functional analysis and graph theory,
the author presents the fundamental developments of the past two decades and
discusses applications to other areas of mathematics and engineering.

The jump in complexity from finite electrical networks to infinite
ones is comparable to the jump in complexity from finite-dimensional to
infinite-dimensional spaces. Many of the questions asked about
finite networks are currently unanswerable for infinite networks,
while questions that are meaningless for finite networks crop up
for infinite ones and lead to surprising results, such as the
occasional collapse of Kirchhoff's laws in infinite regimes.
Some central concepts have no counterparts in the finite case, for example, the extremities of an
infinite network, the perceptibility of infinity, and the
connections at infinity.

The first half of the book presents existence and uniqueness theorems
for both infinite-power and finite-power voltage-current regimes,
and the second half discusses methods for solving problems in infinite
cascades and grids. A notable feature is the recent invention
of transfinite networks, roughly analogous to Cantor's extension
of the natural numbers to the transfinite ordinals. The last chapter
is a survey of applications to exterior problems of partial
differential equations, random walks on infinite graphs, and networks
of operators on Hilbert spaces.