A.H. Zemanian


Distribution theory, a relatively recent generalization of classical analysis,
not only opened up new areas of research but helped promote the
development of such mathematical disciplines as ordinary and partial differential
equations, operational calculus, integral-transformation theory, and functional
analysis. The present textbook was one of the first to give a clear explanation of distribution
theory; it combines the theory effectively with extensive practical applications to
science and engineering problems.

Based on a graduate course given at the State University of New York at Stony Brook,
this textbook has two objectives: to provide a comparatively elementary
introduction to distribution theory and to describe the generalized Fourier and
Laplace transformations and their applications to integrodifferential equations, difference equations, and passive systems.

After an elementary chapter defining distributions and the operations that apply
to them, Chapter 2 considers the calculus of distributions, especially limits,
differentiation, integration, and the interchange of limiting processes. Some deeper
properties of distributions, such as their local character as derivatives of continuous
functions, are given in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 introduces the distributions of slow
growth, which arise naturally in the generalization of the Fourier transformation.
Chapters 5 and 6 cover the convolution process and its use in representing
differential and difference equations. The distributional Fourier and Laplace
transformations are developed in Chapters 7 and 8, and the latter transformation is
applied in Chapter 9 to obtain an operational calculus for the solution of differential
and difference equations of the initial-conditions type. Some of the previous theory
is applied in Chapter 10 to a discussion of the fundamental properties of certain
physical systems, while Chapter 11 ends the book with a consideration of periodic distributions.

Suitable for a graduate course for engineering and science students or a for senior-level
undergraduate course for mathematics majors, this book presumes a knowledge
of advanced calculus and the standard theorems on the interchange of limit processes.
A broad spectrum of problems has been included to satisfy the diverse needs
of various types of students.